Keyboard Navigation & Shortcuts

eCTAS is optimized for keyboard shortcuts and tabbing. Below are common keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate eCTAS.

Press To

Move to the next field

Note: The tab order of action buttons at the bottom of each page reverses so the most frequently used button is accessed first (i.e. moves from right to left).

Note: For date fields, the date picker will not open with tabbing. Type in a date in the specified format (e.g., mm/dd/yyyy) or use your mouse to open the date picker.

Shift + Tab Move back to a previous field

Check or uncheck a box or radio button

Expand a drop down list

Alt + Down Arrow or Enter Expand a drop down list

Expand a drop down list

Select an item from a drop down list

Open a Notes documentation box

Select an action button (e.g., I'm Done)

Open a vital sign

Keep a vital sign entry

Esc Clear a vital sign entry
Arrow keys

Move between radio button options (e.g., Yes or No, Adult or Paeds, etc.)

Move up and down within a list

Alt + Shift + ___ (letter) for Windows

control + option + ___ (letter) for Mac

Return to Notes Tabs

  •  e - EMS
  •  s - Subj
  •  o - Obj
  •  r - Tmt/Int (e.g. Rx)
  •  h - Med Hist
  •  m - Meds
  •  k - Known Allergies

Other Shortcuts

  •  n - New Patient (if applicable)
  •  d - I'm Done
  •  p - Print
Ctrl + Plus (+) or Ctrl + Minus (-) Zoom in or out
Ctrl + F5 Refresh browser (when troubleshooting sync issues)
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Clear browsing data (when troubleshooting sync issues, clear cached files and cookies)

Note: To return to a Notes tabs or go to the New Patient, I'm Done Triage or Print buttons, use Alt + Shift +___ (letter) for Windows or control + shift + ___ (letter) for Mac.

Keyboard enhancements were created to allow users to quickly move in a downward direction - occasionally horizontal or reversed - through fields, saving time and often reducing the need to use a mouse. 

Note: Tabbing moves you to each field quickly and through to the most common ‘next’ step/action button at the bottom of each screen - e.g., Patient Presentation (Infection Control Screen), Continue Triage (Patient Presentation screen), or I’m Done Triage (Triage Assessment screen). *If a screen has other options available at that point, tabbing again, moves (left) for easy access. Hit Enter on the keyboard to select.

Patient Presentation Screen

Triage Assessment Screen


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