Downtime contingency planning is a critical aspect of system implementation. While eCTAS has been developed and tested to minimize downtime and issues, hospitals need to have downtime processes in place to address the unlikely event that eCTAS is unavailable.
Your hospital is responsible for ensuring appropriate processes are in place and that staff are informed of them. If you are unsure of the process in place at your hospital, check with your eCTAS Resource.
A paper-based eCTAS Backup Triage Assessment Form can be printed and used by nurses during a downtime. It is up to each hospital to decide whether to use this form or design their own. Retrospective data entry is not required when paper-based triage forms are used.
Reporting technical errors and system issues you encounter on eCTAS is critical to system maintenance. Each hospital will have their own procedures in place for reporting system issues when they occur. Ensure you are aware of your hospital’s procedures, and follow them when issues arise. If you are unsure of procedures at your hospital, check with your eCTAS Resource.