There are two distinct eCTAS environments that users may need to access: Production and Conformance. Each environment is comprised of the Clinical Application and the Administration Console. The Production environment is the live environment and is the only environment permitted to contain real Personal Health Information (PHI). The Conformance environment may be used for conformance testing or training and should never contain real patient data.
An environment label appears in the header of the Clinical Application and the Administration Console to indicate which environment the user is logged into: Production or Conformance. The distinct purpose of each environment and their respective applications are summarized in the table below.
Note: Access to environments and application features are granted to users by the facility's eCTAS Facility Role Administrator (FRA). FRAs should be familiar with the purpose of environments and application features; they will need to distribute links and support materials to hospital resources. See eCTAS User Roles to see what features are granted per role and applicability per integration. |
Important: All users must accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) once per environment, only then can their FRA can assign them a site and role, see eCTAS User Account Setup Process. |
Environments | Application | URL | Purpose |
Production (LIVE SYSTEM) | Clinical Application | |
Administration Console | |
Clinical Application | |
Administration Console
| |
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