eCTAS Administration Console

The eCTAS Administration Console allows hospital operational support resources to access administrative features such as the eCTAS Registration ViewHL7 Message Viewer, Site Role Management and Site Level Extracts. Use the preceding links to learn more about these administrative features.

Administration Console Features

The table below provides a description of each administrative feature, and who should access them. Contact your hospital eCTAS Facility Role Administrator to ensure resources are assigned the appropriate eCTAS user role(s) to access the features below.



Examples of resources who require access to the feature

Registration View

  • Applicable to Application Basic and Complex hospitals only
  • Allows hospital Registration Clerks and other designated resources to access and print eCTAS triage records for their site, or apply actions to records of past patients
Hospital Registration Clerks and other designated resources supporting registration

HL7 Message Viewer

  • Applicable to Application Complex hospitals only
  • Provides access to all HL7 messages exchanged between eCTAS and your hospital HIS
  • Supports testing and troubleshooting activities

Technical Leads or other resources at your hospital responsible for:

  • Providing technical support/troubleshooting
  • Coordinating downtime resolution and recovery
  • Supporting deployment of technical changes to eCTAS

Site Role Management

  • Applicable for all Integration Levels (Application Basic, Application Complex, Web Service and Certification)
  • Used to manage user access to eCTAS Environments (Conformance and Production) and applications (Clinical, Administration Console) and features.

eCTAS Facility Role Administrators (Primary and Backup)

Site Level Extracts

  • Applicable for all Integration Levels (Application Basic, Application Complex, Web Service and Certification)
  • Provides access to site level data extracts of eCTAS activity to support conformance testing, troubleshooting or reporting

Hospital Operational Support Resources (eCTAS Coordinators, Technical Leads, Clinical Leads, Hospital Help Desk) involved in testing, troubleshooting or reporting activities

Logging into the Administration Console

Note: You will only be able to access the features that your hospital's eCTAS Facility Role Administrator has granted you. If you do not see the features you require, contact your Facility Role Administrator.


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