Triage Assessment is where the triage nurse documents the triage assessment of a patient. Regardless of your hospital's eCTAS workflow, Triage Assessment must be completed to successfully triage patients in eCTAS.
Important: eCTAS is a decision support tool. It is intended to aid - not replace - clinical judgement. |
Triage Assessment can be accessed from the Pretriaged Patients Queue or from Patient Presentation. It is best practice to enter comprehensive information that is clinically relevant to the patient's triage. At minimum, a Patient Stated Complaint and/or Nurse Assessed Complaint, a Chief CEDIS complaint and CTAS score are required for the Triage Assessment to be submitted. Fields with a red marker are mandatory.
For a short video about Triage Assessment in eCTAS, click the play button
Tip: Use Keyboard Navigation & Shortcuts to optimize navigation of eCTAS screens (e.g., click Tab ). To view diagrams of each screen's specific tab flow/order, click on the corresponding link: Infection Control, Patient Presentation, Triage Assessment, Vital Signs. |