Completing Patient Presentation (Pretriage)

Rename to 'Patient Presentation Sections'? Reorganize/review page content at a later date (intro can be streamlined/adjusted so we are not starting off with notes).

Complete the sections of Patient Presentation screen listed below as required. Mandatory fields are denoted with a red marker.

A short video is available here.

Important: Some hospitals may opt out of using Patient Presentation (Pretriage) in eCTAS. For example, some hospitals integrated at a Complex level may decide to use their HIS to receive/pretriage patients. Nurses must ensure they fully understand the unique workflow at their hospitals.

Tip: Use Keyboard Navigation & Shortcuts to optimize navigation of eCTAS screens (e.g., click Tab ). To view diagrams of each screen's specific tab flow/order, click on the corresponding link: Infection Control, Patient Presentation, Triage Assessment, Vital Signs.

Health Card Swipe Area

It is possible to integrate eCTAS with your hospital's health card swiping system. If you are a complex hospital, patient demographics may be pre-populated if your system has been set up to receive information from your Hospital Information System.

Important: Consult with your hospital’s eCTAS resource to check if this feature is enabled

Health Card Swipe Field

Note: Only first and last names will be pulled into eCTAS when card swiping is used (i.e. middle names are not captured).
Important: Only Ontario Government issued green health cards will work. White health cards will not work.

Health Card Swipe Failure

Some cards may be damaged or scratched and may not populate designated fields. If this occurs, an error message will appear under the Health Card Swipe field.

Presenting Complaint

This section is where the nurse enters the reason for a patient’s visit.

Complaint text entered will drive the search parameters of the CEDIS Complaint Smart Search feature.

It is mandatory to enter a complaint in at least one of the complaint fields:

Important: To improve the accuracy of the CEDIS Complaint Smart Search results, follow the guidelines below.

Patient Identifiers

Important: Follow your hospital's protocols for handling multiple unknown patients. Confirm with your hospital's eCTAS Resources regarding how to document any descriptive identifying information consistently in other eCTAS fields e.g. entering physical characteristics or other identifying details in the Triage Notes fields, etc.

Note: If the Patient cannot be identified check box is checked, eCTAS will not search for Previous Visit matches within the last 10 days. To re-enable the Previous Visit flag feature, uncheck the Patient cannot be identified check box. Previous Visit matches will be flagged on the Triage Assessment screen.

Patient Cohort Identification

Important: A nurse may override the cohort that was attributed to the patient’s birthdate, as long as they are aware of the impact on CEDIS complaints, modifiers and Vital Sign ranges. For example, a nurse may choose to select the cohort of Paeds for a 19 year old that sustained a significant brain injury at birth with minimal communication ability, delayed psycho-social development, and delayed physical development.

Patient Arrival

Although this section is not mandatory, your hospital’s protocols may require you to document this information.

Completing Patient Presentation

There are two buttons that can be used to submit Pretriage information: The I’m Done Pretriage button or the Continue Triage button located at the bottom right of the Patient Presentation screen.  The appropriate button to select depends on your hospital’s unique integration and triage workflow. Triage nurses must consult with hospital resources to ensure that they are fully aware of their hospital's triage workflow.

Note: An 'Error Sending..." alert will appear on the queue when a Pretriage assessment, Triage assessment, Reassessment or ToA, fails to save to the eCTAS system.

Tip: In the bottom left of the Patient Presentation (Pretriage) screen, you will notice three buttons: Priority in Queue, Care Location and Care Instructions. A nurse can use these to enter clinically relevant information. See the Priority in Queue, Care Location and Care Instructions for more details.


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