Past Record Lookup

Past Record Lookup allows Registration Clerks to locate and apply actions to past patients from their site's eCTAS Clinical Application queues.


The columns in the Past Record Lookup list provide the following details for each patient triage record. Click on the column headings to sort or filter records as needed.

Column Name


Colour Bar

  • Corresponds to the colour code of the given CTAS level (Level 5 White, Level 4 Green, Level 3 Yellow, Level 2 Red, Level 1 Blue)
  • If a CTAS score has not been assigned yet (i.e. for Pretriaged patients) the colour bar will be grey

eCTAS Patient

  • Patient first and last name
  • Cohort (Adult or Paeds), Date of Birth, Gender
  • Health Card Number
  • Precautions entered during Infection Control Screening (if applicable)
  • CEDIS Complaint (if patient has been triaged)

Patient Identifiers

  • The eCTAS ID: this is a unique identifier assigned by eCTAS and visible on printed triage records
  • ED Visit number: this is assigned by your Hospital Information System and used in HL7 messages


  • The CTAS score assigned and submitted during Triage Assessment

Arrival Time

  • The time the patient was first received in eCTAS or the Hospital Information System


  • If the Triage Nurse has indicated a patient as Priority in Queue and entered Priority Notes, notes will appear here


  • Indicates if the patient is Pretriaged, Triaged or TOA'd

Care Loc. / Instr.

  • If the Triage Nurse has indicated a Care Location or entered Care Instructions, details will appear here
  • Triage Nurses may use these fields to leave notes for the Registration Clerk (i.e. register next)

Actions Button

  • Allows Registration clerks to apply actions to the associated record
  • See the Actions section below for a list and description of possible actions


Click on the Actions button next to a patient record to display available actions for that record. Possible actions and descriptions are provided below.



Print Triage Report

  • Allows Registration Clerks to open and print the patient record
  • This printed record is identical to what Triage Nurses can print from within the eCTAS Clinical Application

Mark As Triaged in Error

Registration Clerks should mark a patient record as triaged in error when:

  • a Triage Nurse submits a triage assessment under an incorrect patient name (i.e. the Triage Nurse entered triage information for Patient A under Patient B)

Note: The Triage Nurse must TOA the patient record in the eCTAS Clinical Application before this action can be applied via the eCTAS Registration View. For Web Service and Certification hospitals, the patient record will automatically be TOA’d.

  • The Triage Nurse can also mark a patient record as triaged in error from the Clinical Console, refer to Mark Record as Triaged in Error section for more information

Important: If the error constitutes a privacy breach (e.g. a Triage Nurse working at more than one site accidentally logs into the incorrect site and begins triaging patients) notify your Privacy Officer and eCTAS Coordinator immediately and follow the process for reporting privacy breaches.

Patient Does Not Consent

Registration Clerks should indicate a patient does not consent when:

Note: In the eCTAS Clinical Application the Triage Nurse is able to select 'Patient Does Not Consent' from the Patient Presentation screen.


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